smart social public relations

Old Brochure

Retired fighter pilot Gideon Lichtman, from the film Above and Beyond, during post film Q&A.

This particular year, the creation of the NJ Jewish Film Festival brochure was subject to an unusually tight deadline and budget.  Unlike the booklet used in previous years, we were confined to a compact, tri-fold space.  I whittled the content down to include the most relevant, concise language and recommended a clear, inviting layout that better incorporated the festival’s branding.  In addition, after a number of seasons using the same, static cover design, I created a mock-up and encouraged the team to try a new, more compelling cover style that immediately conveyed the breadth of offerings, highlighted one of the biggest star performers and connected with the recipient’s emotions and interests.  The new brochure was extremely well received by the film committee and patrons and contributed to a very successful season.

Non-Profit - Film Festival

New Brochure

I was brought in three months prior to the start of the annual festival which included over 23 diverse films and events in two weeks. Challenged with building buzz and support within a limited budget and time frame in a market saturated by similar festivals, I quickly created new press collateral, press releases and a strong pitch that resulted in extensive coverage, including a large cover article theSunday NJ Star Ledger Arts section, two articles in the New Jersey Jewish Newsand many local media outlets, such as the New York Times regional section, and Patch. In addition, I worked to build a social campaign which quickly increased the festival Facebook page likes and shares. I also rewrote donor solicitation and acknowledgment letters to better reflect the excitement and value of the Festival and advised the internal marcomm team on branding in marketing materials.  (see below)


With artist and style icon Debra Rapoport, from the film Advanced Style

In conjunction with the film Havana Curveball, Michal Levine of Areyvut runs a teen workshop on planning charitable giving projects.

​(917) 204-6862
